Thursday, 18 October 2007

from zurich to lucerne

looks like our extended amazee team is complete for the moment and set for the next few steps of corporate development! the last missing piece was a talented studio that could support us with our communication concept and at the same time develop the platform design. i'm more than confident that we found exactly the right combination: mixer and netnode!

yesterday we met for our first session and mixer's remko left no questions out that were useful on the search for amazee's most inner characteristics - from "target age" to "the person our company would represent if it was a human being" - they were all discussed. after a very productive day of distillating our thoughts down to very fews words, i once more had to think of NZZ's advertising campaign stating "Die Arbeit an der Sprache ist Arbeit am Gedanken"; how right they are!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You made some good points there. I did a search on the topic and barely got any specific details on other websites, but then great to be here, seriously, appreciate that.

- Lucas